Tamil name: கொன்றை மரம்
English name: Golden shower
Scientific name: Cassia pistula
Family: Leguminaceae
Indian laburnum is also known as Golden shower tree. It is one of the most widespread trees in Indian deciduous forest. It is responsible for various therapeutic potential such as anti-diabetic, larvicidal, anti-cancerous and antibacterial. The fruit pulp is used as mild laxative as well as cardio tonic and stomachic. The leaves are used against fever. The leaves are used for malaria and rheumatism. Its bark is used to treat skin disease. The roots are used against syphilis and leprosy while the flower buds are known give relief from constipation. Intake of fruit pulp with sugar once a day relieves constipation. The leaves possesses anti-arthritic property. Leaves (12-24 g) are fried in ghee and consumed two times a day. Decoction of fruit pulp in ghee cures chronic cough. Leaf juice can be used as dressing for the ringworm and it relieves irritation and swelling. It is harmful when consumed during pregnancy.