


Common name: Egg plant, Brinjal

Scientific name: Solanum melongena

Family: solanaceae

Varieties: CO 1, CO 2, MDU 1, PKM 1, PLR 1,PLR (B) 2, KKM 1, PPI 1, Annamalai COBH 1 and COBH 2

Season: Planting spreads from December – January and May – June.

Soil: Well drained soil rich in organic matter with pH of 6.5-7.5 is suitable.

Crop duration: 100 to 120 days

Seed rate: Varieties: 200 g/ha
Hybrids: 100 g/ha

Seed treatment: Treat the seeds with Trichoderma viride @ 4 g/kg of seeds.

Spacing: 60 X 60 cm, for hybrids 90 x 60 (or) 75 x 75 cm.

    Varieties Basal dose : FYM 25 t/ha, NPK 50:50:30 kg/ ha.
    Top dressing : 50 kg N/ha on 30th day of planting or during earthing up.
    Basal dose : FYM 25 t/ha, NPK 100:150:100 kg/ha.
    Top dressing : 100 kg N/ha on 30th day of planting or during earthing up.