COMMON NAME: Kuchikalli or Pencil cactus
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Euphorbia tricalli
FAMILY: Euphorbiaceae
SOIL: A fast-draining medium such as cactus potting mix works best
PROPAGATION: Propagation is from stem cuttings
PLANT TYPE: Succulent
PLANT SPECIFICATIONS: Plant Height - 6 inch (15 cm) , Plant Spread - 3 inch (8 cm)
- Whole plant – In India, it use in treatment of leprosy and Leucorrhea.
- Latex – It is used for cough, asthma, era-ache, tooth-ache, and Neuralgia.
- Milky juice is carminative and purgative.
- It is used gonorrhea, asthma, leprosy, dropsy, spleen, colic, jaundice.
- Bark – It is in treatment of Fractures.
- Stem- It is used to repair the broken bones Root – Administered in colic and gastralgia.
- Boiled root liquid acts as an emetic in case of snake bites and for infertility in women.