COMMON NAME: Manoranjitha
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Artabotrys hexapetalus
FAMILY: Annonaceae
ORGIN: Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillipines
GROWING HABIT: Trees in tropical regions that produce fragrant yellow flowers
PLANT TYPE: Layered creeper plant
- Helps remove excess hair on the face, scalp, arms, legs, chest, back, stomach, and other areas of the body.
- Promotes hair growth.
- Reduces inflammation and itching caused by psoriasis.
- Prevents hair loss.
- Treats fungal infections.
- Can be used to treat dandruff.
- May be helpful in treating acne.
- Manoranjitham's flowers are used to cure nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, stomachache, blood and heart problems, itching, sweating, bad breath, thirst, and headaches.