

COMMON NAME: Bermuda grass/ Arugampul

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cynodon dactylon

FAMILY: Poaceae

SPECIAL FEATURE: Attracts pollinators

ORGIN: East Africa

PROPAGATION: Done through seeds or cuttings

  • Bermuda grass is good to control obesity and helps in weight loss.
  • Bermuda grass is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory in nature which cures skin problems such as skin rashes, itching, eczema, leprosy, and scabies.
  • Bermuda grass has a hypoglycemic effect thus helpful in controlling blood sugar levels and reduces fatigue. Bermuda grass is also beneficial in the prevention of disorders and conditions associated with diabetes.
  • Bermuda grass is helpful to detoxify the body by releasing toxins from the body. Bermuda grass is good for acidity and regulates the bowel movement.
  • Cynodon dactylon protein fractions (CDPF) promotes immune-modulation by helping the body and optimizing the immune system.
  • Bermuda grass is effective in the case of prolonged menstrual durations. Bermuda grass is suggested to control heavy menstrual periods.
  • Bermuda Grass is loaded with medicinal uses that can be used as home remedies. Durva grass is used as antiviral and antimicrobial.
  • Bermuda Grass as an antiviral and antimicrobial herb.